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What's going on at Zion?


ZUCC Congregation Survey

Located at the back of the sanctuary are BLUE copies of the 

Congregation Survey that our President, Doug Almasy spoke of on Apr. 7th.  

We ask that EVERYONE kindly answer the questions and

 sign the bottom of the survey.  If you would like a copy emailed to you please contact the church office at (586)463-0069. Upon completion of your survey 

please deposit it in the Polar Bear box located in the Narthex by Sunday, May 12th. 


St. Peters Little Free Pantry Community Partnership

Please help us to stock St. Peters Catholic Church Little Free Pantry at the corner of New Street and Pine!  All foods must be shelf-stable, non-perishable, sealed, able to withstand extreme temperatures and not expired.  Please place these items in the pantry at your convenience. Thank you for helping our neighbors in need!


Compassion Pregnancy Baby Items Donation Drive

We are still accepting donations for the Christian-based Compassion Pregnancy program in Clinton Township through the end of May. They help to support pregnant women and their partners throughout their pregnancy and afterwards. See the donation box in the foyer.


Activity Bags for Children in Worship

Please ask the ushers for a brightly colored activity welcome bag for children ages 2-12 worshiping at Zion. Compliments of Missions & Outreach.


Annual Plant Exchange June 2

The plant exchange is back after a hiatus of a few years! Plan to bring a plant/take a plant on June 2 in the Fellowship Hall after worship, from 10:30 am-1 pm. Look for a Bringing a Plant and Plant Exchange Goodies sign up list later this month. Invite your gardening friends and neighbors!


Please join us for a very special Mother's Day service on 

May 12th at our 9:00 a.m. worship service.

"A Musical Tribute to Our Mothers"

Sylvia LaPratt on the harp, Andrea on the violin, duets, 

our own Zion Bell Ringers, and special readings. 

A Mother’s Day Coffee Hour following the service.

Please bring a flower to honor your mother.  We will have a large vase to fill for the altar.  We would love to see you!



Pentecost is May 19th this year. It has been a tradition for many years that Zion has

red geraniums for Pentecost that always brighten up the outside of the church. The

geraniums will decorate the Sanctuary BEFORE they are planted as we always

celebrate Pentecost with the color RED!

If you would like to place a donation toward the red geraniums for 

Pentecost here are a couple of ways you can donate:

1. Send a check to Zion and put Pentecost Flowers on the memo of the check.

2. Sunday Service you can put an envelope in the offering plate with your donation and Landscaping written on the memo line.


 Upcoming Events!

~TODAY, May 5th - 9:00 a.m. Worship

                                         10:15 a.m.  Mission & Outreach Meeting in the Library

~Wednesday, May 7th - 10:30 a.m. Bible Study and Brown Bag Lunch

~Thursday, May 8th - Jesus Christ Ascension Day!

~Sunday, May 12th - 9:00 a.m. “A Musical Tribute to Our Mothers”

                                            Coffee Hour following our service in the Social Hall

~Tuesday, May 14th - 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting in the Library  

~Wednesday, May 15th - 10:30 a.m. Bible Study and Brown Bag Lunch

~Sunday, May 19th - 9:00 a.m. Pentecost Sunday!  Wear Red!

                                          Installation of our Deacons & Elders

~Wednesday, May 22nd - 10:30 a.m. Bible Study and Brown Bag Lunch

~Sunday, May 26th - 9:00 a.m. Outdoor Service “weather permitting”

~Monday, May 27th - Happy Memorial Day!


New Altar Flower Chart!

If you would like to purchase flowers in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone you hold dear.  There is a NEW Flower Chart posted in the hallway by the Church Office where you can select the dates you would like and forms to fill out and place either in the offering plate or the church office mailbox. The cost is $37.00 for 2 arrangements that are placed on both sides of our altar.   Payments must be made at least a week before the date you chose by mailing a check or money order to the church made out to Zion UCC or you can drop the payment and order form in the offering basket and make sure you label it ALTAR FLOWERS.  Flowers are available for pick up on the Sunday you choose after the service has ended.  Thank you!



Many times during the week our Zion members and friends are in need of a special prayer.  Often Sunday is far away and the need for prayer is now!  Our PRAYER SUPPORT TEAM will be contacted and offer a prayer from their home.  We believe in the power of prayer and the power of love.  Please contact the church at the email above, call (586)463-0069 leave a message if there is no answer, or contact Pastor Scott, Jennifer Haberer or Barbara VanDecar and our team will be contacted.  Our faith family and friends are continually in our prayers.

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