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World Wide Communion


Blessings to our Zion Faith Family and Friends,

This Sunday, October 4th, we will be celebrating World Wide Communion. Churches from all over the world will be sharing communion together. It will also be a return to our worshipping in our beautiful sanctuary. Our front door on New Street will open at 8:30 A.M. The rest of the doors will be locked. Our service begins at 9:00 A.M. We hope that you will be able to join us. Please remember to wear your mask. We will also continue to respect each other with social distancing.

In celebration of World Wide Communion, please remember to bring your own bread and wine. Pastor Scott will be sharing the blessing of the elements. If you are unable to attend in person, we encourage you to watch with live stream on Facebook or later on YouTube. Thank you to those members who have brought our worship services into our homes. It has been a joy to worship together during these unusual times. We also appreciate our members who have continued to reach out to our faith family and friends who have been unable to attend our worship service. Zion Church shows its caring spirit.


Your Zion Membership Committee

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